To convert custom reports to PDF:Open Microsoft Office Project and go to File->Open, browse for the project you want to print reports for and open itGo to Report and select a type of report you want to print then click on ViewGo to File -> Print in the new Report window click on Print and if novaPDF is displayed in the Printers field then click OK.
Microsoft Office Project is a software used to schedule and control projects If you need to send a Microsoft Office Project file for review, physically printing or share it with your team, it's recommended that you convert it first to a PDF.. Document sharing is easier using PDF files, because the recipient does not need to have Microsoft Office Project installed.
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In the Save PDF File As window select after save actions and merging options and click OK to start the conversion.. If you don't have novaPDF installed, use the Download page to download and install it.. Convert projects created with Microsoft Office Project to PDF files (2013/2010)novaPDF is a virtual printer that works pretty much in the same way as a normal printer does, the only difference would be the printing result being an electronic file and not a paper document.. To convert your Microsoft Office Project 2007 file to a PDF:Video tutorial on how to convert a Project to PDF from Microsoft Project 2007:Converting specific Microsoft Project reports to PDFMicrosoft Project allows creating different customizable reports for your project, which might be particularly helpful with large projects.. Go to File -> Print, select novaPDF as the printer to be used, choose additional printing Settings available on the page and click on Print.. novaPDF is a PDF converter that allows creating PDF files from any Windows application that supports printing.. novaPDF is a PDF creator that once installed it offers and option to print your project to a PDF file - simply choose novaPDF as a printer and once you click the Print button your project will be converted to a PDF. 518b7cbc7d Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 6.0 Free Download